week of jul 1st: think about the absence of something and how the shape it once filled & now leaves affects things. is it good? sad? bittersweet? write about it.

written on 8/07/2024.

unleash the thought processshort one? wow.

i miss my friend. they're going on a school exchange thing this year and the goodbye party is right when i'm on vacation with my family so i can't go. i haven't seen them in a year, and it will be a lot longer now. i wish i could visit, but my parents can't bring me and with public transport i'd never get there. idk i miss them, they've always been nice to me. :(

I'm walking through the woods, inbetween two groups of people and thus alone. We are heading towards a play, a theater piece you would enjoy. Repeating, repeating thus alone.

We talked. We made plans to open a pay-what-you-can bookshop (slash tearoom slash atelier slash everything-place), if we survived. If we survived - and you already did - we would. Both of us knew we never would. Thinking is nice, and I hate thinking without you. You're not far away, yet months, yet summers and soon languages away.