unleash the thought process
i'm not sure if this fits in the prompt but idk i was feeling soft about my brother going to middle school and everything changing so quickly and slowly at the same time. i didn't know how to write this down so here's a (very quickly drawn lmao) little comic :)
edit on 24 august: added transcription & noticed some typos in the image so ignore those pls lmao

i sometimes think about how in four years my brother will be the same age as i am now and how he will have gone through so many more changes than i have now but it's possible that both our voices start to drop around the same time and maybe i'll be the first one to learn to shave and i can learn him how to do that and i love my brother and i hope he never has to go through any of this.
he has come so far and i'm so proud of him and it's weird being envious of your five year younger brother because he gets to live the life i've always wanted.
but we'll be grownups together, eventually. we'll both be men.
he's starting middle school next year. in not even two years i'm starting uni.
everything is coming to an end and i'm so thankful for everything and i'm glad my brother supports me because i wouldn't know what to do with myself if he didn't.
he's annoying and i keep telling myself it's his age but i'm starting to think this is what brotherhood is.
person reading paper: will you please be quiet i'm trying to read
me: sorry