week of 10/05/2024. prompt: consider ‘trace elements’-- barely noticeable things and what they change. think butterfly effect! are their effects expected & small or disproportionate? is a ‘trace element’ an extra bit of DNA? is it some milk in a loaf of bread?
unleash the thought process

nah i don't like how this turned out but it's kinda like how social rules feel to me? or how people react to me doing things My Way i guess. how those small things like me wearing two different socks and/or wearing them inside out makes or me not making the right eye contact or me not saying the right things or writing the right things or doing literally anything makes such a difference to them. i think i could've done better with this prompt but i'm honestly just glad i made it.

sometimes i worry i chose the wrong socks or spread and Wrath
will come sit on my shoulder with a buzzer. A
buzz for every wrong answer.
because it is not spread but Spread and not my socks but My Socks and those are very different things.

no mistakes, no distractions and no mistakes! keep track and
keep thinking or you'll earn a buzz, not a beat, but the buzz, oh, the buzz.

the buzz is like a face a face a sight you recognise, you're filled with dread as the threads inside are twisted and turned and you dare not to tweak or tremble and those eyes ...

... the eyes are so empty yet full of hatred and laughter and disappointment and empty, they're empty! everywhere. everywhere.

i pay attention. i keep track and i keep thinking. the buzz follows me. i write everything down with a ruler so i write slow and neat and i can read it but i make sure nobody sees me and i focus on my way of walking and my way of smiling and my way of waving and i make sure to choose the right Socks.