art history

i am in no way a professional. i am just a 16 year old boy with a special interest so like. check some other sources if you're interested :) i am in an art middle school (i'm not sure if that exists in other countries) and one of my classes is art history, just so you know most if not all of this information comes from an academic :)

currently at school we're focussing on western art, and though my teacher is doing her best to include female artists & artists of colour, the ones we're seeing are mostly white men. my teacher does often include contemporary art as a reference though, and those are more diverse. at the moment i don't plan on making a page on every contemporary artist she talks about (because oftentimes it's only one piece we talk about), but i do plan to make a list of names she mentions.

going further on the "white guys" thing: it doesn't mean that just because i have a page for an artists, that i support their actions! for example, degas: he was sexist and an antisemite, but he was very important to the impressionist movement so i still have a bit dedicated to him. most of the artists on here probably were like that, and that's shit. if i'm aware of an artist being an asshole, i'll add that to the "my humble opinion" bit.

my classes aren't in english, so i apologize for any mistakes here! feel free to let me know in my guestbook or neocities profile!

these pages are heavily work in progress, so please be patient if something doesn't seem to work or isn't filled in ^^